What is involved in forming a captive?
Step I. Research and Gather Information
- Gather underwriting information
- Incorporate underwriting information into a financial model to determine proposed captive’s financial viability
- Review all financing options
- Obtain commitment of management
- Know objectives
- Determine level of risk retention
- Have sufficient premium volume
Step II. Due Diligence and Decision Making
- Engage outside consultant/manager and actuary to develop financial models that will provide suggested retention limits and capitalization requirements
- Begin preparing thorough feasibility study
- Develop business plan to include marketing, financial, and operational sections
- Determine qualified underwriting partners and begin discussions (if applicable)
- Have initial meeting with regulator(s)
Step III. Organization and Licensing
- Complete and file captive’s license application with Kentucky
- Key Elements
- Contract with captive management company
- Complete licensing application
- Formation documents
- Feasibility study and business plan
- Proforma financial statements
- Reinsurance documents or commitments (if applicable)
- Incorporate and capitalize captive
Step IV. Begin Operations
- Capitalize
- Company receives certificate of authority
- Begin business